Thursday, May 17, 2012

Where Can I Watch Korean Dramas: Top 5 Sites

Korean dramas are fast becoming the latest rave even in other countries that many people are asking “where can i watch Korean dramas”. Who can blame them. These Korean drams are well made with stories that are both engaging and entertaining. Although they were often base from a different culture, people from other countries are still able to relate to the characters and find affinity on the stories. So if you are one of those who are asking “where can i watch Korean dramas” then look no further because here are the top five sites where
you can watch Korean drama for free.

First on the list is This site will surely stop you from asking “ where can i watch Korean dramas” the site offers an extensive collection of free Korean drama videos. They are streamed for free from other video streaming site connected to The site does not require any membership or registration and most of the videos posted have subtitles to cater to those who are asking “where can i watch Korean dramas” but have no idea on how to speak Korean. The downside is that some of the latest episodes of your favorite Korean dramas may take longer to be posted if there are no copies with subtitles available.

The next online resource to address your question “where can i watch Korean dramas” is This site contains many Korean dram videos posted by its members. It doubles as a video sharing site as well as a forum. Members can watch the videos for free and post comments. They can participate in discussions and one of the mos unique feature of this site is that it allows its members to pick which dramas can stay on the site. not only answers the question “where can i watch Korean dramas” but also caters to people who are fans of Drams from other countries. These videos are also posted with subtitles and registered members can receive email updates when a new episode of their favorite drama is posted. So the next time you ask ““where can i watch Korean dramas,” give a try and you might find what you are looking for.

Number three on the top five Korean drama source online to answer the question “where can i watch Korean dramas” is This site has all the latest title in Korean drama and members enjoy many perks like having their own playlist allowing them to pick up where they left off when watching an episode. There is also a forum section where members can discuss the latest episode of the hottest drama. Members can also rate shows and receive email updates so that they do not need to wonder “where can i watch Korean dramas.”

Another popular source to watch your favorite Korean drama is Youtube as it is popularly known contains many videos and Korean drams are among those that are most frequently watched by users of the site. Videos may be have subtitles or none at all and they may not be posted in chronological order. However the site is free to use and will not require a membership.

Fifth but definitely not the least is . This site primarily caters to anime fans but it also has a wide selection of Korean drams for all of the fans of the genre to enjoy. The site has a forum section for members to talk and interact with each other.

So there you have it. The five best sites that provides the best Korean drams for free. So the next time you ask “where can i watch Korean dramas.”try out one of this sites and enjoy your favorite titles in a flash.

Learn Korean Language Online Free with Audio

It is definitely an edge to know a foreign language since it opens up many opportunities both for travel and career improvement. One of the best language to learn is Korean and there is an option to learn Korean language online free with audio in order to facilitate your learning curve. To learn Korean language online free with audio you must know where to get your resources and where to begin the process of studying the language. People may get intimidated to learn Korean language online free with audio since for most native English speakers, the language is too complicated. The truth is that the Hangul system which is the reading and writing system and the foundation of the Korean language is the most organize system of writing and speaking.

In order to learn Korean language online free with audio, a person must learn to detach himself from his native tongue. The most common mistake that a person does in learning a foreign language is to speak the language using the sentence and grammar construction inherent to his own language. That is why most English speakers will sound awkward in speaking another language. The best way to learn Korean Language online free with audio is to let go temporarily of all these grammar and sentence rules and embrace the language on its own.

There are many resources available to learn Korean language online free with audio. However the effectivity of these resources rely solely on how a person uses it. To effectively learn Korean language online free with audio, a person must learn and be familiar with the Korean alphabet. This will make the person properly pronounce the words since the Korean language is pronounced differently than most languages based on the roman alphabet. Find an audio source which contains the Korean alphabet and begin from there. Once you know it by heart the that is the time you can move on.

Another effective tip to learn Korean language online free with audio is to focus on the entire sentence and not just a single word. This will allow a person to learn to speak the language in a very natural and conversational manner. Most resources you will find will mention many words on at a time. That is fine when you are working on your pronunciation but the bigger goal must be to be able to speak a complete sentence and be conversational.

Now the most important part to master when you want to learn Korean language online free with audio is the grammar. Just like any other language, to be conversational and construct a sound sentence in Korean you must be grammatically correct. The main difference of Korean grammar to English grammar is that it is constructed backward. A basic English sentence is constructed Subject+verb+object. In Korean it will be subject+object+verb. Learning this basic concept is the foundation of Korean grammar.

Lastly, in order to effectively learn Korean language online free with audio you must try to speak the language regularly. Once you feel that you are comfortable with the language, try to immerse yourself and perhaps try to live in a community of Korean speakers in order to further enhance your speaking skills.

The Korean language may appear difficult to learn in the beginning but as a person moves forward and begins to listen and repeat the words and sentences , the skill will begin to pick up and Korean will gradually become your second language.

Benefits of Lemon Juice on Skin

Benefits of lemon juice on skin are enormous. A lemon is a natural skin remedy. It is a citrus fruit that contains a major vitamins, carbohydrates as well as traces of proteins. While it is commonly used as food and medicine, it can also be used to benefit your skin in a number of ways. However, given its acidic nature, it is advisable to dilute the juice if you have sensitive skin. But what are some of the best known benefits of lemon juice on skin?

Lemon juice is very effective in dealing with age spots and scars. So, if you have ugly scars left behind due to acne lesions, then the best remedy would be lemon juice. The benefits of lemon juice on skin is not limited to that. Melasma, which is the hyper pigmentation of the face during pregnancy may also be treated by lemon juice. In order to treat scars, just apply a small amount of the juice in the affected area and rinse with cold water.

Acne is a common skin condition that affects many people. Lemon juice has antibacterial properties which makes the lemon effective in treating this skin condition. With proper and frequent applications, lemon juice can significantly speed up the healing of acne while also preventing any future occurrence. On the same breath are blackheads which can also be removed using lemon juice. Simply rub freshly cut lemon over the blackhead and they will naturally disappear over time.

Exfoliation is one of the many benefits of lemon juice on skin. If you have oily skin, then lemon juice may provide the best remedy. The citric acid component found in lemon juice enabales to outermost dead layer of your skin to peel off, thereby reducing the shine. With continued use, lemon juice can tone your skin by gently removing all the dead skin to reveal brighter and smoother complexion.

Insect bites can leave your skin in a bad state. However, this is where the benefits if lemon juice on skin step in. Without immediate medical action being, insect bites tend to itch for days without any signs of healing. However, lemon juice can speed up the healing process, thereby stopping the discomfort. It has antibacterial properties which naturally cleanse the area and neutralize the itching caused by the venom.

Benefits of lemon juice on skin would be felt with daily consumpotion of the same. Drinking a juice of lemon not only helps to tone your skin, but it also enhances your beauty. This it does by rejuvenating the skin from within to achieve a supple, clear and radiant skin.

Besides that, one of the outstanding benefits of lemon juice on skin is wrinkle removal. If aging is catching up with you, then it will be manifested in your skin through wrinkles. However, you can put such wrinlkles at bay by drinking or applying lemon juice on your skin.

The benefits of lemon juice on skin cannot be complete without mentioning its bleaching properties. Scrubbing a half a lemon on your face is the bext way to get a fairer complexion. It has bleaching properties that can deliver exmeplary results if used daily.

Lemon juice has many other health benefits. However, it is worth nothing that it also has massive benefits of the skin. While there are so many beneftis of the juice in relation to the skin, these are some of the best known benefits of lemon juice on skin.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Gerald Anderson's Score on Sarah G

What's the real score of Gerald Anderson on Sarah Geronimo? The popular actor has revealed the status of their relationship.

Gerald said that he and Sarah are not yet official couple.

Although, he wants to clear that as far as matters of love are concerned, he is "focused" on the Pop Star Princess.

Aside from being supportive of Sarah's career, Gerald has also become close to the singer's family.

Sarah said in a previous interview that Gerald is the first man to introduce himself to her parents.

Gerald is so happy that he met Sarah and gives inspiration to the Pop Star.

Xian Lim is Just Waiting for The Right Time

Kim Chiu seems like developing with Xian Lim because of the actor's patience in courting her.

Xian's way of courting Kim is traditional and the actress likes it so much. "Kim doesn't laugh on my jokes. But her sisters laugh forcefully whenever I joke around. I'm not sure why Kim doesn't laugh on my jokes. I know my jokes are really funny." Said Xian while smiling.

Kim and Xian will team up again in a soap opera "Kapatid, Anak wherein they will be joined by Enchong Dee and Maja Salvador.

Xian is super happy because he and Kim will have more time to be together because of the said project.

Until now, Xian hasn't asked Kim yet if he has the chance. According to him, it is not good if he would ask Kim.

The actor is just waiting for the right time for him and Kim to be officially lovers.

Why KC Concepcion is Super Happy?

KC Concepcion recently signed a contract with ABS-CBN to be the host of X-Factor Philippines. The four judges chosen for this show were Gary Valenciano, Martin Nievera, Pilita Corales and Charice Pempengco.

KC Concepcion has been very busy for the preparation. According to her, this is the first she would meet Pilita and Charice.

KC is now very happy because she was informed that the rift between Helen Gamboa and her mom, Sharon Cuneta is finally over.

Meanwhile, seems like she has no intention to give priority to her love life after she broke up with Piolo Pascual.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits for Skin

There are many aloe vera juice benefits for skin, but why is this plant so beneficial? The plant itself originated in Africa and has been used in herbal medicine for thousands of years. Today, the extract of the plant is used in cosmetics, alternative medicines, and many other fields for its rejuvenating and healing properties. The many aloe vera juice benefits for skin are still being researched.

For anyone interested in aloe vera juice benefits for skin, it can be found in many health food stores. Since the taste may be unfamiliar to many people, it is recommended that mixing it into a fruit drink or a smoothie can help adjust taste buds to the juice. Since the recommended serving each day is 2-8 ounces, it's easy to get in a normal day.

So then, what are the aloe vera juice benefits for skin? The first is that aloe vera juice is used in lotions and cosmetics and it has the unique ability to penetrate deep body tissues. Unlike most lotions that only reach the top layers of the skin, aloe vera juice can reach the deeper layers. For anyone, who has ever had a sunburn, the soothing relief of the juice is extremely beneficial.

Another of the aloe vera juice benefits for skin is that it is antiseptic. Aloe vera contains six compounds: Lupeol, urea, nitrogen, cinnamonic acid, salicylic acid, phenol, and sulfur. These compounds work to kill toxins in the body and can stop viruses and other bacteria from spreading into the blood stream. The aloe vera plant can be used to eliminate both internal and external infections. The lupeo and salicyclin acid are used as pain relievers and are a natural way to relieve mild pain in the body.

The aloe vera juice benefits for skin also include helping the body to synthesize new skin cells. The compounds in the juice help stimulate the body to create new skin and tissue cells. This turnover helps skin to stay supple and fresh and has anti-aging properties without using harsh chemicals or expensive procedures. Additionally, aloe vera juice benefits for skin include flushing toxins out of the body. The skin is affected by the toxins in the bloodstream, but aloe vera juice can get rid of these compounds and help skin to stay clear and fresh.

Another reason why doctors are seeing aloe vera juice benefits for skin is because it contains anti-inflammatory fatty acids. These natural compounds are found naturally in plants and can be used to treat burns, scrapes, arthritis, and many other inflammatory conditions. Individuals who are suffering from painful skin conditions or an allergic reaction can benefit from aloe vera juice.

These and many others are some of the aloe vera juice benefits for skin. Doctors and scientists are still researching the plant to discover why it is such an effective treatment as well as how it can further be used to help heal and protect skin. These are the aloe vera juice benefits for skin, and individuals who are interested in young, healthy skin should consider drinking the juice each day.

How to Grow Your Eyebrows Back

There are many articles online that offer tips on how to grow your eyebrows back. Some of the tips are good and do help to a certain extent. But there are also many tips and articles that do not help at all, and some that use of products may be downright dangerous to your health. Following are a few tips we have gathered that have worked for numerous people who have wondered how to grow your eyebrows back after excessive plucking, shaving, waxing, and shaping, hair loss due to chemotherapy.

How to grow your eyebrows back with Rogaine? Rogaine is a product that has been used for years by both men and women alike to grow hair back. The product contains many essential oils and other ingredients specially formulated to stiulate the growth of hair by repairing and reconditioning the hair folicles in your skin. The product is a bit expensive, but if you are determined to find out how to grow your eyebrows back then many stores that sell hair care and beauty products offer generic brands that work just as well and are only a fractios of the price. Simply use the product on your eyebrow are as per the instructions on the package and in about three months of trying to figure out how to grow your eyebrows back using this products you should have thicker, healthier looking eyebrows back in two to three months.

How to grow your eyebrows back with castor oil? Castor oil has long been said to help with hair growth and it is not until fairly recently that it was discovered that the essential oil is what helped repair and stimulate hair folicles. Simply wash your face before bed using a mild soap and warm water, pat your skin dry and apply castor oil to the eyebrow area. The oil helps to keep your skin from drying out as the castor oil absorbs into the hair and works its magic. You should see positive result in your quest on ow to grow your eyebrows back with castor oil two to three months.

How to grow your eyebrows back naturally with proper nutrition? A healthy, balanced diest rich in essential oils, Omega-3, 6 and 9, and drinking plenty of clean water free of chemicals is probably the most ignored method for people wondering how to grow your eyebrows back. Organically grown food like avocados, walnuts and almonds, wild salmon, brocolli, tomatoes, blueberries and green tea all contain powerful nutrients that both repair the skin and help eliminate oxidants. And since plucking and waxing eyebrows rips the eyebrow hair out by the root, damaging the hair folicles, it only makes sense that a healthy body rich in these nutrient will heal and repair the damage faster, helping with your quest on how to grow your eyebrows back, with the added benefit of better over health and well-being, and we could all use more of that in our lives.

Since all of the tips on how to grow your eyebrows back in this article are fairly easy and all have been said to be effective to a certain degree, we opt for the complete approach. Use the Rogaine as instructed. Between those treatments, use the castor oil, all the while eating a healthier diet. How to grow your eyebrows back using a combination of all the above would seem to be the best option.

Sarah Geronimo, One of The 25 Sexiest International Singers List

Sarah Geronimo made it to the 25 Sexiest International Singers You've Never Heard Of list by US-based music and trend site said, "To say Sarah Geronimo is a superstar would be an understatement. After being discovered on the singing competition, 'A Star for a Night,' at 14-years-old, she released eight best-selling albums, with one on the way. Additionally, Geronimo, now 23, not only draws a sold-out crowd to almost all of her concerts, four of her concert DVDs have even gone platinum. It's safe to say she's the Filipina Britney Spears (pre-rehab)."

The list is topped by Nicole Roberts of England, followed by Natalia Kills of England, Gabriella Cilmi of Australia, Pixie Lott of England, Yuna of Malaysia, Medina of Denmark, Haifa Wehbe of Lebanon, Mala Rodriguez of Spain, Kreesha Turner of Canada, and Sophie Ellis-Bextor of England.

International singers who made it to the 11-25 rankings are: 2NE1, Sarah Geronimo, Nyusha of Russia, Oh Land of Denmark, Lena of Germany, Russian Red of Spain, Emma Marrone of Italy, Javiera Mena of Chile, Veronica Maggio of Sweden, Ewa Farna of Czech Republic, Girls Generation, Denyque of Jamaica, Ana Tijoux of Chile, Brooke Fraser of New Zealand, and Eva Weel Skram of Norway.

Unique Gift of Xian Lim to Kim Chiu

Kim Chiu revealed during the press conference for "Ina, Anak, Kapatid" that she received a unique gift from her suitor Xian Lim.

"During my birthday, I was in a mountain, I don't have network coverage, nagshu-shooting ako ng The Healing. When I got home, sa sala may puno ng flowers na naka-heart shape. Red roses, and they are plenty. I really appreciate it, nakakagulat na may puno sa sala ng bahay ko, LOL," Kim said.

And how did Xian do it? According to the Kapamilya actor, he asked Kim's sister to team-up with him in preparing that special present to her. Why? "Masarap lang makita si Kim na ngumingiti, na masaya."

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How to Grow Your Eyebrows Back

A little mishappening can take beauty of any face away; same is the case with eyebrows. If one is not caring with the eyebrows, they may start to lose the thickness or may even pluck off unnecessarily during a normal threading session if concentration is broken. If you want to get a thick and bushy eyebrow back, you need not to worry; there are simple tips available on how to grow your eyebrow back. This is also important when we know that though eyebrows are small, but they are not negligible on the face and it increases the charm and beauty of any female.

When you patiently wait for the re-growth of your eyebrows, it seems like eternity. In reality eyebrows take six to nine weeks time to grow up again naturally. There are several treatments available which tell you how to grow your eyebrows back. With these treatments one can speed up the process of growing the eyebrows back. There ate treatments including stimulants which help fast growth of facial hair.

Massaging is natural way of speeding up the facial hair growth. Same is the case with eyebrows. Massaging the effected area is best for opening pores and after this the new hair soon shows up. It is advised that when you get the massage, the brush should be thoroughly cleaned and its brush ends should be soft and soothing so that it doesn't leave mark. Circular strokes of the massaging brush always help in getting the pores cleaned and one can see good result if it is applied for two times in a day. This process should at least be taken more than two weeks and by the end of two weeks the effected person can see the change on the effected area.

Vitamin nutrients also help in re growth of hair; however Vitamin E should not be consumed more beacause it may cause few side effects. Applying Olive oil in the nearby area and for a head massage is a better option. Olive oil is good foe hair and it is considered as a natural beauty product which takes care of skin and hair. If you are so sure about the area where you have to grow the eyebrow hair back, you can also apply a small droplet of olive oil on that area and massage, it will quicken the process of hair grow back. With olive oil, one should remember not to massage hard on the face otherwise it may ruin the complexion of the person.

Vaseline. Unlike olive oil, one can rub and massage Vaseline around the effected area. Vaseline provides a uniform growth to the facial hair and once the eyebrows are grown back, they can be brought into a desired shape. Apart from these experience-generated ideas, there are several other tricks on how to grow your eyebrows back available on the internet. There are many books also available on market as facial hair addition, removal techniques. One should just keep away from the use of chemicals for re-growth of eyebrows and rely upon the natural methods.

Indira Gandhi Assassination Photos

This post features great Indira Gandhi Assassination Photos

Indira Gandhi Assassination Photo 2

Indira Gandhi Assassination Photo 3

Benefits of Eating Almonds

Almond is one of the tastiest nuts ever seen, and said to have originated from China. Like many nuts, almond were thought to contain lots of fast which were not healthy for the body, but researchers after a well informed research, rubbished the notion. Therefore, beside being one of the tastiest and nutritious nuts and a well balanced food, almond has many benefits; the researchers have also pointed out that almond is not only nutritious but also good for health, and whoever needs to keep his or her physical health fit, must incorporate almond in his diet.

One of the most key benefits of eating almonds is the fact that it prevents cancer cells in the body. Other scientists have also come up with results after thorough researches, indicating that the consumption of almond can also help in reducing the risk of heart attack. The scientists did not stop there but went ahead and found out that almond added in a diet, could greatly to reduce or rather lower the amount of cholesterol level in the blood. Apart from lowering the cholesterol level, almond also contain some essential fatty acid like omega-3 and omega 6. In addition to that, people who are working hard and tirelessly to lose their weights, almond has answer, because it contain fiber and good kind of fats and help to eradicate bad fats and builds up in the body system causing obesity. It translates therefor that by taking almond, cases of obesity can become a word of the past. Eating almost 20 almonds in a day surely work out miracles in your well being.

Other vital values derived from the consumption of almond can be summarized as an energy boosting. It greatly boosts the energy levels in a person, because it contains copper and riboflavin that usually take part in the energy production. It can also helps to prevent constipation because of their fiber content. The presence of folic acid also plays a very vital role for the pregnant  women, since the folic acid eradicates many cases of the deformation in the new baby born babies. The researchers have also pointed out the the consumption of almond is very essential in the development of the brain, that is why many others give almond products of food rich in almond to their children, in order to have a well developed brain and performs better in schools.

In China, almond is also considered an anti-inflammatory and emollient and said to have a significant self control and gives a peace of mind. In conclusions, all people, women, men and newborn babies must eat almond in high quantity for maximum well being. If this is done, unnecessary illness caused by bad fats shall become history and people shall live a health life, robust and physically fit. Therefore, it is an appeal to all people to take almonds for the better.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

How To Get Your Skin Lighter: 10 Tips That Really Work

There is a plethora of ways on how to get your skin lighter. A lot of people find it essential to make their skin fair because it makes them feel better about themselves. Besides, you would not want that porcelain doll-like skin, right? Here are 10 sure fire ways on how to get your skin lighter.

1. Never underestimate the power of exfoliation. This aids in making your skin lighter because regular exfoliation rids your body of old and darker skin cells. Thus, new and lighter skin emerges. Use a mild one for your face and use a loofah for the rest of your body. Do this at least 3 times a week.

2. Choose your soap. There are many ones that whiten but the best are those that contain kojic. These kinds of soap are safe to use but be sure to ask a dermatologist first. Some types of skin are easily irritated with kojic.

3. Slice a lemon and damp it all over your body. Let the juice stay there more 15 minutes and then rinse properly. Do this before taking a bath.

4. Practice appropriate UV protection. As much as possible, cover your head with a hat and wear long sleeves. If it's a hot summer day, use an umbrella when strolling around the park. Remember that part of fixing the problem is preventing it from becoming worse. Purchase a moisturizer and lotion with sun protection properties.

5. You can opt to buy glutathione whitening pills as long as they are the safe kind. Make sure that it is the kind that your dermatologist would recommend. Glutathione may also be injected nowadays.

6. Skin bleaching is one of the fastest ways to get white. Each type of skin bleach product differs in application. So make sure you read instructions carefully.

7. Mint leaves paste is one of the best natural ways to make your skin lighter. Apply it on your face and leave it there for 20 minutes then rinse appropriately.

8.Apply the juice of the cucumber all over your face. Let it stay for 5 minutes and then rinse it with luke warm water. Cucumber has whitening properties just like lemon.

9. Drink lots of water. This is the best way to keep your skin glowing and continuously regenerating. Dehydration leads to dull skin. It will make it harder for you to lighten skin that is unhealthy.

10. Manuka honey from New Zealand is a worldwide remedy to skin whitening. Furthermore, it aids in reducing dark spots and unwanted blemishes on your face. Aside from that, it contains vitamins and minerals that will give your skin a natural glow. There are a lot of products with Manuka honey. Some people prefer to use it directly by applying it on their face.

These ways on how to get your skin lighter vary from natural ways to those that make use of certain products for whitening. Whichever method you choose, make sure that you do them regularly. Without discipline in carrying out these means, you won't be able to develop and maintain a fair complexion. Good luck with trying out these tips on how to get your skin lighter!

How to Make Popcorn Butter: Make it More Delicious

Everyone loves buttered popcorn! You may think there's nothing to it, just melt some butter and pour but not so fast! There is more of an artform that explains how to make popcorn butter. It will enhance your bowl of popcorn and make a delicious taste experience!

You need:

Freshly popped popcorn, Real butter, Coconut Oil, Salt and other seasonings (depending on the flavor profile that you select below).

While you're thinking about how to make popcorn butter, remember that how you pop the corn can drastically alter your end product. Popping the corn can be done in the microwave, in a pan on the stove, or using a hot air popcorn popper. If you start with microwave popcorn there will already be a significant amount of fat and salt added during the popping process. The same with popcorn popped on the stove with oil. It is best to start with a truly clean slate and add exactly the seasonings you want. For that reason try to use a hot air popper. You end up with only the fresh corn poppped.

Now, on to how to make popcorn butter to top your freshly made popcorn:

The first thing to remember when melting butter for popcorn is to start the melting process and then tip the pan to pour off the thin, watery layer that forms. That is actually water and when you pour it over your freshly popped popcorn you end up with a soggy mess! Leave it out of your popcorn butter, just use the real melted butter that is below it. That alone is the key to how to make popcorn butter.

The second thing to have on hand is Coconut Oil. It is the magic ingredient that most movie theaters use, and it adds a great deal of flavor and fullness to the popcorn. That is how to make popcorn butter taste more buttery and rich. Even if you don't pop the popcorn in the oil, melt it with your butter and add to the top.

Melt the desired amount of butter, tip the pan, pour off the watery layer on top, then add some coconut oil and let it melt also.

Add to this basic buttery mixture your favorite seasonings to make these styles:

1) How to make popcorn butter hot: add cayenne pepper or ground red pepper flakes, or try a few dashes of the Asian spice blend 'Sriracha'. Curry powder makes a delicious topping that is spicy but not too hot.

2) How to make popcorn butter sweet: honey, carmelized sugar, or a light sifting of powdered sugar can make a sweet glaze.

3) How to make popcorn butter savory: possibly the most popular way to make popcorn butter is to add cheese on top. There are many bottled varieties of "sprinkle cheese" on the market now that use white, cheddar, parmesan, but you can add regular parmesan cheese at home as well.

4) How to make popcorn butter like the movie theater: use extra butter and coconut oil and buy the fine, powdery type of salt that really adheres to each popcorn kernel.

Each of these styles will transform your modest popcorn treat to gourmet standards. Your friends will soon be asking you how to make popcorn butter so they can duplicate that great snack for themselves!