Monday, May 14, 2012

How to Grow Your Eyebrows Back

There are many articles online that offer tips on how to grow your eyebrows back. Some of the tips are good and do help to a certain extent. But there are also many tips and articles that do not help at all, and some that use of products may be downright dangerous to your health. Following are a few tips we have gathered that have worked for numerous people who have wondered how to grow your eyebrows back after excessive plucking, shaving, waxing, and shaping, hair loss due to chemotherapy.

How to grow your eyebrows back with Rogaine? Rogaine is a product that has been used for years by both men and women alike to grow hair back. The product contains many essential oils and other ingredients specially formulated to stiulate the growth of hair by repairing and reconditioning the hair folicles in your skin. The product is a bit expensive, but if you are determined to find out how to grow your eyebrows back then many stores that sell hair care and beauty products offer generic brands that work just as well and are only a fractios of the price. Simply use the product on your eyebrow are as per the instructions on the package and in about three months of trying to figure out how to grow your eyebrows back using this products you should have thicker, healthier looking eyebrows back in two to three months.

How to grow your eyebrows back with castor oil? Castor oil has long been said to help with hair growth and it is not until fairly recently that it was discovered that the essential oil is what helped repair and stimulate hair folicles. Simply wash your face before bed using a mild soap and warm water, pat your skin dry and apply castor oil to the eyebrow area. The oil helps to keep your skin from drying out as the castor oil absorbs into the hair and works its magic. You should see positive result in your quest on ow to grow your eyebrows back with castor oil two to three months.

How to grow your eyebrows back naturally with proper nutrition? A healthy, balanced diest rich in essential oils, Omega-3, 6 and 9, and drinking plenty of clean water free of chemicals is probably the most ignored method for people wondering how to grow your eyebrows back. Organically grown food like avocados, walnuts and almonds, wild salmon, brocolli, tomatoes, blueberries and green tea all contain powerful nutrients that both repair the skin and help eliminate oxidants. And since plucking and waxing eyebrows rips the eyebrow hair out by the root, damaging the hair folicles, it only makes sense that a healthy body rich in these nutrient will heal and repair the damage faster, helping with your quest on how to grow your eyebrows back, with the added benefit of better over health and well-being, and we could all use more of that in our lives.

Since all of the tips on how to grow your eyebrows back in this article are fairly easy and all have been said to be effective to a certain degree, we opt for the complete approach. Use the Rogaine as instructed. Between those treatments, use the castor oil, all the while eating a healthier diet. How to grow your eyebrows back using a combination of all the above would seem to be the best option.

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