Monday, May 14, 2012

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits for Skin

There are many aloe vera juice benefits for skin, but why is this plant so beneficial? The plant itself originated in Africa and has been used in herbal medicine for thousands of years. Today, the extract of the plant is used in cosmetics, alternative medicines, and many other fields for its rejuvenating and healing properties. The many aloe vera juice benefits for skin are still being researched.

For anyone interested in aloe vera juice benefits for skin, it can be found in many health food stores. Since the taste may be unfamiliar to many people, it is recommended that mixing it into a fruit drink or a smoothie can help adjust taste buds to the juice. Since the recommended serving each day is 2-8 ounces, it's easy to get in a normal day.

So then, what are the aloe vera juice benefits for skin? The first is that aloe vera juice is used in lotions and cosmetics and it has the unique ability to penetrate deep body tissues. Unlike most lotions that only reach the top layers of the skin, aloe vera juice can reach the deeper layers. For anyone, who has ever had a sunburn, the soothing relief of the juice is extremely beneficial.

Another of the aloe vera juice benefits for skin is that it is antiseptic. Aloe vera contains six compounds: Lupeol, urea, nitrogen, cinnamonic acid, salicylic acid, phenol, and sulfur. These compounds work to kill toxins in the body and can stop viruses and other bacteria from spreading into the blood stream. The aloe vera plant can be used to eliminate both internal and external infections. The lupeo and salicyclin acid are used as pain relievers and are a natural way to relieve mild pain in the body.

The aloe vera juice benefits for skin also include helping the body to synthesize new skin cells. The compounds in the juice help stimulate the body to create new skin and tissue cells. This turnover helps skin to stay supple and fresh and has anti-aging properties without using harsh chemicals or expensive procedures. Additionally, aloe vera juice benefits for skin include flushing toxins out of the body. The skin is affected by the toxins in the bloodstream, but aloe vera juice can get rid of these compounds and help skin to stay clear and fresh.

Another reason why doctors are seeing aloe vera juice benefits for skin is because it contains anti-inflammatory fatty acids. These natural compounds are found naturally in plants and can be used to treat burns, scrapes, arthritis, and many other inflammatory conditions. Individuals who are suffering from painful skin conditions or an allergic reaction can benefit from aloe vera juice.

These and many others are some of the aloe vera juice benefits for skin. Doctors and scientists are still researching the plant to discover why it is such an effective treatment as well as how it can further be used to help heal and protect skin. These are the aloe vera juice benefits for skin, and individuals who are interested in young, healthy skin should consider drinking the juice each day.

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